Dr Steve Hatfield-Dodds is an honorary Professor of Public Policy at the Australian National University (ANU), and an honorary Associate at Oxford Net Zero and the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University, and the Centre for Climate Economics and Policy at ANU. He is a member of the leadership team of the EY Net Zero Centre and consultant with EY Port Jackson Partners, a leading business strategy firm.
He brings deep expertise and experience in the design and assessment of climate and sustainability policies and scenarios. Specific expertise includes climate change and sustainability policy, environmental and ecological economics, integrated modelling and assessment, adaptive governance, and the science-policy nexus.
Dr Hatfield-Dodds' previous roles have included Executive Director of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES), Chief Coordinating Scientist for integration science and public policy at CSIRO (Australia’s national science agency), and senior leadership and policy roles in Australian Government agencies including the Treasury and departments of Agriculture, Climate Change, Energy and Resources, Environment, and Industry.
He holds a PhD in Economics from the ANU, and has published more than 125 papers and reports, including articles in Nature, Science, Agricultural Systems, Ecological Economics, and Ecology and Society.
View Steve Hatfield-Dodds' publications on Google Scholar.