Richard Norgaard is an economist with more than 200 publication in environmental and ecological economics and environmental epistemology. He was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2007.

Richard Norgaard is now Professor Former in the Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley. He is an eclectic scholar with one solely authored book; five co-auth­or­­ed and co-edited books, four additional multi-authored monographs, and over 200 other publica­tions in environmental and ecological economics, environmental episte­mology, and other fields. He is recognized within the field of eco­no­mics (Who’s Who in Economics, Millennium Edi­tion, and The Changing Face of Econo­mics: Conver­sations with Cutting Edge Economists 2004) and the field of ecological economics (Kenneth E. Boulding Award, 2006) for both his cri­tiques of and contributions to economics even while he spends most of his time working across disciplinary ways of understanding. The American Associa­tion for the Advance­ment of Science elected Norgaard to the status of “Fellow” in 2007. His research emphasizes how the resolution of complex socio-envir­on­­men­tal problems chal­len­ges modern beliefs about science and policy ­­and ex­plores development as a pro­cess of coevolution between social and environ­mental systems. His writing is informed through work on energy, environment, and develop­ment issues with different periods of his career emphasizing Alaska, Brazil, and Calif­or­nia.

Norgaard served on the 5th Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and, until 2010, on the International Resource Panel of the United Nations Environment Pro­gramme. He was actively engaged with the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Norgaard chaired (2010-13) and continues to serve on the Independent Science Board of the Delta Stewardship Council of the State of California.