On behalf of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Secretariat of the International Resource Panel and the global project Initiative Resource Efficiency and Climate Action (IREK) II, implemented by GIZ on behalf of BMUV within BMUV‘s International Climate Initiative, we would like to invite you to participate in the 2 nd National Workshop in Jakarta city of the project “Resource Efficiency and Climate Change Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low-Carbon Future in Indonesia, Argentina, and Mexico”.

The aim of the project is to contextualize the findings and recommendations of the global report “Resource Efficiency and Climate Change: Material Efficiency Strategies for a Low Carbon Future,” (2020) to Indonesia, by delving into the specifics of the national priorities and highlighting material efficiency strategies in residential building construction with the biggest potential for GHG emissions reduction.

The meeting will present Material Flows Model and Dynamic Sector Map in the materials and construction sector of Indonesia. Participants will discuss key challenges and barriers along with opportunities to materials efficiency and sustainability for residential building construction in Indonesia.

We would like to kindly ask for your inputs based on your respective organization in developing policy recommendations for residential building construction to be used in the National policy document for Indonesia.

For additional information please contact the IRP Secretariat vira.khoroshavina@un.org.


Prof. Edgar Hertwich, Professor in Industrial Ecology at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, IRP Panel Member.

Dr. Harshavardhan Jatkar, Research Fellow in Energy, Urban Planning, and Informal Settlements at University College London.

M. Rizky Waskito Aribowo, Executive Director, Green Building Council Indonesia

Ms. Ova Candra Dewi, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, University of Indonesia

Mr. Prasetyoadi, IAI, architect and urban designer, managing director of PDW Architects.