Building on the findings of the joint task group of the International Resource Panel and the One Planet network presented in the report “Catalysing science-based policy action on sustainable consumption and production: the value-chain approach and its application to food, construction and textiles”, the One Planet network is holding consultations to collectively define a common agenda for action.
The aim is now to continue the application of the value-chain approach in the high-impact sectors of food, construction and plastics and thereby ensuring its scientific foundation. These three sectors are prioritised based on the Fourth UN Environment Assembly Resolution, and the One Planet recommendations to the High-Level Political Forum.
The first set of consultations will focus on the sector of Food and will be organized in three series:
Series 1: Innovative business and policy solutions
Series 2: Defining common agenda
Series 3: Developing roadmap for action.
The consultation series 1 on innovative business and policy solutions will be undertaken in April 2021 in the form of 5 expert workshops, each focusing on the prioritized stage of the food value chain. The objective is to understand what initiatives and solutions currently exist at different stages of the food value chain and to define gaps, opportunities, interlinkages, and trade-offs as the basis for the development of the common agenda.
If you want to get involved, you can:
Nominate an expert to participate in the workshops:
Expert consultations will take place in April 2021. The experts are expected to: 1) Participate in up to 2 workshops: approximately 2 hrs each; and 2) Undertake preparatory readings and provide feedback: max 4 hrs in total. (Click here to nominate an expert)
Submit existing initiatives and solutions
Submit existing initiatives and solutions to have the most comprehensive mapping of initiatives and solutions along the food value chain that aims to improve natural resource use and decrease environmental impacts of the food sector. (Click here to submit initiatives and solutions)
Take part in the webinar
The webinar "Let's meet in the middle: How the central stages of the food value chain shape the way we produce and consume" will be held on March 22nd 2021. The findings of the Task Group related to the application of the value-chain approach to the Food sector will be presented and representatives from the public and private sectors will share inspiring examples of how they are working with actors along the food value chain to help shape production and consumption practices. You will hear from Ms. Martina Fleckenstein from the WWF, Ms. Marianne Gjørv from the Norwegian Environment Agency, Ms. Agnès Weil from Club Med, and Carrefour. (Click here to learn more and register)
For any questions, please contact Yulia Rubleva (, and help shape the common agenda for action in the food sector.